Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Hunger Cycle

Beatitude Four: Hunger and Thirst

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6 (NIV)

This is the fourth beatitude from the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus was preaching to a multitude which was fed with the blessings from the 5 loaves and 2 fish, a miracle in itself.

This morning in service, Bro. Chester shared statistics on World Hunger.  Prefacing his recount with the statement that "Hunger is the greatest motivation in the world."

A few statistics borrowed from the UN website:

Hunger is the number 1 health risk in the world today, that is more than aids victims, malaria sufferers, and tuberculosis carriers combined.

There are approximate 900 million to 1 billion people hungry in the world. That is the equivalent to the population of Canada, the US, and the European Union states combined.

1 in 7 people are hungry at any given time

1 in 4 are children

15 million children, alone, die each year from hunger 

Most everyone in the US has sufficient food and water sources, so most of citizens don't know what it is like to be truly hungry, or thirsty.  So, we really can't relate to this level of physical suffering.

In Jesus day, meat was only eaten, on average, once a week.  And, water supplies were rare.  That is why someone owning a well, or the mention of a well, in the Bible was such a big deal, or "hot commodity" as Bro. Chester shared.

Hunger and Thirst are Signs of Life  - the dead know no hunger.

For many customs, burying the dead with food and beverage stores are quite common; however, if the tomb is opened, one will see that those items are still there, totally unused by the dead.

So, to be hungry, and/or thirsty is to truly be alive.  We have to meet those physical requirements to remain alive.  Spiritually, those requirements are necessary to spiritual living, and growth.  We should be hungry, and thirsty after spiritual things.

All too many people are hungering and thirsting, but are seeking that fulfillment through worldly means, or temporary filling instead of eternal filling.  It is the religion of instant gratification.  (sex, drugs, alcohol, and other extreme obsessions) None of these things bring inner satisfaction or peace with God.

Our number one need is to Know God - we need to crave righteousness

We are legally disqualified to be justified as sinners.   But, through Jesus sacrifice, and the fulfillment of the atonement plan God enacted, God can create a new heart, and we can be justified into righteousness.  Jesus took our sin for us.

When we hunger and thirst, we are satisfied for the moment, but that hunger and thirst returns.  So, should our spiritual hunger return.  We should never be satisfied with our current level of personal, moral and spiritual status.  It should always be wanting more, and growing in God's Grace.

We, also, should desire to see our society growing in a positive way.  Leading by example, doing what is right and good should be our lifestyle.  And, we should be burdened with the lack of Godlessness in our society.  We should be world Christians and missionaries in our own community and ambassadors for Christ.

Hunger and Thirst grow from a need from poverty, mourning, and meekness - the first 3 Beatitudes.

We should ask ourselves:

1 - How much do we want to perform God's will?  We must deny our own will, but to what extent?

2 - Are we asking half-heartedly for repentance, and living a life of righteousness?

3 - Are you asking yourself what happened to your passion and desire for God?

If we constantly desire to please Him, we will constantly be filled.

Bible verses to study regarding this topic

Galatians 6:9

2 Peter 1:5-8

Romans 5: 1-5

Matthew 6:33


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I will be praying for you!

    1. I do enjoy your blog. I'm a follower. Praying for you as well.
